You may have heard that bedsharing was a big no-no and the biggest cause of SIDS. You may think it’s irresponsible to even think about it and even worse to actually go ahead and do it…
When I had my baby, I weirdly had not thought about sleeping arrangements (yes, at that time, all I cared about was the birth and delivery process) … When I brought my baby home for the 1st time, I put her in her crib next to me on our first night. Ten minutes in, I missed her so much and my milk started coming in as I was watching her. So… I decided to take her in bed with me. I barely slept that night because I was so scared of falling or something. I called my mom the next day to tell her about it and she reassured me by saying she slept with all 3 of her kids in the first few months and that gave me the confidence to keep doing it.
I instinctively put myself in a C-curl position to breastfeed her and protect her from me rolling on her. However, anytime I would have sleep troubles (which was nearly every night for the first 2 months), I would google it and find sleep training sites providing a solution.
I couldn’t bear the idea of letting my child cry or put her in another room but I kept reading that I shouldn’t sleep with my baby and whenever I would look for inspiration, I would find youtubers putting their baby in their crib, sleeping through the night at 8 weeks old… I felt like I was doing something wrong but my intuition had never been that strong. I knew it was right.
I finally found instagram accounts talking about intuitive mothering, cosleeping, and started feeling like what I had been doing was ok.
Bedsharing has not meant perfect sleep for me. My baby needs me at night and sometimes, she needs me even more. Bedsharing has helped so much though. I don’t need to get up or fully wake up when she needs me. I don’t feel anxiety about my baby’s breathing fine because she is right next to me. I can feed her immediately when she’s hungry. She doesn’t cry or wake up. We cuddle and wake up next to each other. I can be there to regulate her when she’s teething or sick. I can make sure she is ok. That is the best feeling in the world.
If you are thinking of bedsharing, there IS a safe way to do it. The best resource is La Leche League but you can find lots of amawing instagram accounts about it like CoSleepy or HappyCoSleeper.
I hope you feel confident enough to follow you gut and do what’s best for you and your baby.