My first trimester : Recap and Symptoms

Just like you right now, I also spent hours and hours scrolling blogs and binge watching Youtube videos about the first trimester. What a time to be alive ! Have a question? Let’s google this! Feel a weird sensation? Let’s google that! And above all, don’t stop until you find that sentence on that page somewhere on the internet written by who knows who that will confirm that you are not crazy or abnormal and that your baby is very likely just fine.

I don’t know if this article will help you feel more at ease or make you question yourself even more but I know that we all kind of go crazy during that time and reading this type of article can bring a sense of control and understanding to this enormous change you are going through right now if you are pregnant too.

So, here are the symptoms I got during my first trimester. I took notes on my phone and transcribed them here: 

4 to 6 weeks 

  • Swollen and sensitive breast, quite painful at night (I remember waking up in the middle of the night when I switched sides because my breast was that sore).
  • I feel tired and have very little energy to do anything, even cooking or cleaning the apartment feels like too much.
  • Extremely hungry, even in the morning. I used to fast all day and have one meal a day or at least fast until lunch. I never wanted breakfast before 9:30 am, even when I was just a kid, eating earlier than that made me feel sick. Well, not anymore! I now hear my stomach growling when I wake up, even if it’s 6 in the morning
  • Bloated belly. Unfortunately; that would never stop… 

6th week

Everything mentioned above plus some waves of nausea. I remember thinking “if that’s all it’s going to be, it’ll be fiiiine”. Haha, think again !

7th week

  • The nausea becomes more intense. I want to vomit but I can’t. The nausea lasts longer too. 
  • Bitter taste in my mouth even when I eat food I love. (at that point I was still taking my prenatals, they were gummies). 
  • Food aversions start, I used to love quesadillas but I can’t eat them anymore. Same for chicken soup and gyozas 🙁
  • Still bloated. 
  • Can’t stand people’s perfumes in the subway.

8th week

  • Intense headache. Starts with a weird sensation in my eyes. I have one blurry streak when I look at things and a few minutes later, I have the worst headache ever. Only remedy is a nap. 
  • Still tired during the day and motivated to do nothing. 
  • Easily out of breath, just by walking the stairs to one floor.
  • Very thirsty and dry in my mouth.
  • Extremely bloated.

9th week

  • Nausea is all day now. From the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed.
  • Very sensitive to smells. 
  • I really want some fried chicken.
  • Constipated (why am I writing this on the internet again?). 

10th week (the worst week)

Basically, I feel awful.

  • Completely controlled by my nausea. Exhausted.
  • Disgusted by all food. 
  • More and more out of breath.

11th week

  • Nausea is still here but a tiny bit less than before. 
  • The bloat has reached a new level, I have never been so bloated in my entire life.
  • Lots of weird dreams and I remember all of them.
  • My hair is growing very fast (on all parts of my body …)
  • Disgusting taste in my mouth every night.
  • I am burping all the time and can’t control sometimes :/

12th week

  • Very tired.
  • Less nausea but still there.
  • Still difficult to eat and still bloated.
  • Insomnia every night, I lose at least 3 hours of sleep each night.
  • My muscles hurt a bit after going up the stairs. I felt sore the next day.
  • Need to get up in the middle of the night to pee.
  • Awful chin pimples.
  • The burps keep on coming and I have no control over them.

There you have it ! My full first trimester symptoms ! 

Depending on the source, I have noticed that the first trimester can end at 12, 13, 14 or even 15 weeks but the notes stopped here on my phone so that’s all I have for you!

How is your first trimester going ? If it’s over, did you experience any of the above?
Is there something you didn’t go through ? Is there something I didn’t go through but you did ? Please share your thoughts and experiences below, I am so curious to know about you guys.